Spec (Defenders M.C, Book 6) Page 10
“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
He raised his head and met her eyes. “I meant what I said in that hospital room. I love you Candy.”
Her heart raced. “I love you too Adam.”
He lifted up on his elbows and hovered over her. “I want you to marry me. Will you marry me Candy?”
He crawled up her body and she felt him pressing against her, hard and insistent.
“Say yes Candy.”
He plunged into her in one strong stroke and she cried out.
“I want to make sure you’re talking about the marriage and not just the sex.” He grinned and pulled himself slowly out of her and lingered just at her opening, teasing her. “Will you marry me Candy?”
Before she could answer he slammed into her again and she screamed.
“There’s no going back now Sweets.”
She didn’t want to go back. She wanted everything with this man. She wanted all of him.
It was hours before he finished loving her. They lay in a tangle of sheets and listened to the sleet pelt against the windows.
“I want a real wedding with a white dress and a cake with three layers.”
“That sounds about right to me. Anything else?” He kissed her shoulder.
“I want your dad to come and Mrs. Archer.”
He nodded as his mouth moved to her neck.
“I want Preach to give me away.”
That got his brows up.
“Why the hell would you want that? I figured Ink maybe, but Preach?”
“Because he’s my uncle and he’s the only family I have left.”
“Well I guess that makes sense then.” He nodded and went right back to kissing her neck.
Candy didn’t understand what he meant and he didn’t explain.
“I want kids.” He said and her heart almost stopped. He turned to look at her. He leaned over and traced her nipple with his tongue until it tightened. “I want as many as you’ll agree to.” He wrapped his lips around her nipple and sucked hard. “I think I’ve figured out a way to get you to agree to almost anything.”
He rolled until her was between her legs and looked down at her sternly as he pressed against her.
Candy laughed and wrapped her arms around him, content to let him convince her of anything.
Mina sat in the sterile waiting room and sipped a cup of stale coffee. The doctor was in with Tommy and they were hopeful that he would wake up soon. She couldn’t believe the hand fate had dealt her.
After so many years she was right back where she’d started. Her heart had frozen the moment she had seen him again and she knew he hadn’t been unaffected.
They had only been children when they had known each other, but their hearts had bonded in a way only youth can allow. Now he fought to live and she didn’t know if he would even want to see her when he woke.
She would stay until she knew he was alright and then she would go back to her life. She couldn’t stand the thought of him being something she could no longer love. He had chosen a life she would never be able to be a part of and it tore her apart.
She remembered the boy he had been with his bright smile and ready laugh, but she had taken it all away from him. He had cursed her the last time he’d seen her. The day she had left her life behind and her heart in the hands of a boy who hated her.