Spec (Defenders M.C, Book 6) Read online

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  “Wouldn’t be much fun if it wasn’t about you.”

  Candy’s eyes rounded. “Me?” Her eyes shot to Toothpick again. He had his head thrown back now. The light caught his platinum hair and made him look like he glowed, even if at the moment he was blowing his load down Mace’s throat.

  Angel slapped her on the arm. “And it would NOT be any fun if it included that douche wagon!” She rolled her eyes and shivered. “Honestly I think he is more disgusting than he was when he went in. I never figured out why you wanted him… Anyway! Daddy thinks you have earned a break and Ink agrees. You, my lovely friend are going back to school! Here’s to moving the fuck on!”

  “Wait I can’t afford school and I don’t even have a dependable car.” The one she drove to work was not fit to go more than a few miles at a time.

  “Yeah, I didn’t finish.” Angel grinned like she was embarrassed. “The boys had been putting money back, just a little here and there to help you and Pick get on your feet again when he got out. Well since he is the biggest douche wagon, my new favorite insult, on the planet, the boys decided to split it.” She raised a brow. “That is pretty huge in itself, but you have been more loyal than Pick and really stepped up when Ace was sick so you are officially the first and probably only recipient of the Defenders MC Scholarship.”

  Several of the brothers had moved to the bar and they all gave a drunken cheer as Angel made the announcement. Angel held up her hands for quiet, she really loved theatrics.

  “Also included in this exclusive educational opportunity is a ride to and from school from a sexy-as-hell biker man who will make sure you get there and home in one piece.”

  “Who?” Candy whispered as her throat threatened to close up. No one would dare. No one would disrespect Pick by doing this for her. No one except…her eyes fell to a man who lounged against the bar as if he hadn’t a care in the world and she knew.

  “Spec.” She whispered.

  “Ding, ding, ding! Give the girl a prize! Damn you really are smart and it cost me twenty bucks. I figured you’d guess Ink.” Angel groused the last part, but Candy couldn’t reply, she was trapped in Spec’s gaze. He held her there like a bug under a microscope. He studied her and when he winked and looked away she almost melted to the floor.

  “Can we get a round of applause for Candy’s fearless bodyguard? May he guard it while naked and making her scream!” Angel announced and the brothers roared their approval.

  Spec’s ears turned suspiciously red and Candy didn’t hide her smile. She found Preach and mouthed a thank you and he nodded once before he averted his attention.

  Her eyes landed on Toothpick without her permission and she saw hatred in the colorless depths of those eyes.

  Candy shivered and grabbed a beer. “It’s all yours Tommy. I’m going to take a break.”

  “Yeah you go on Candy, I got this. Congratulations on the school thing. I hope it all works out for ya.”

  “Thank you Tommy.”

  He sent her an easy smile as she walked to the back door. There was a big fire out here as always, but there were few people out because of the cold. She pulled her jacket closer and wished for a heavier coat. She would buy one with her next paycheck she told herself, but she had told herself that three weeks in a row and had used her last bit of money on her stupid car, again.

  The door behind her opened and she stepped out of the way without looking back. A heavy leather jacket was settled over her shoulders and she knew without looking who stood behind her, she knew the subtle scent that clung to the jacket.

  “Thank you for agreeing to take me to school. I’m sure you have better things to do.”

  “I volunteered.” When he spoke his breath brushed her ear and made a shiver run down her body.

  “Why?” She turned and looked up into his blue eyes. Unlike Pick’s they weren’t cold, they were warm and alive with intelligence. Candy had always admired Spec, but feared him too. Not in the way she feared a man with a gun at her head, but she knew Spec could hurt her in unseen ways. She knew he was dangerous to her. Not to her person, but to her heart. He had shown her kindness that she had needed at her most vulnerable times and she had seen him slip a twenty into her tip jar on more than one occasion. He knew what she needed and didn’t ask for anything in return, yet. That had caused her to give him a wide berth.

  He was so close now that they shared breath and it was making Candy a little dizzy.

  “I could say it was to repay you for taking care of Ace. I could say I wanted to get out and ride more. I could even say that I wanted to get close enough so I could fuck you.”

  “But that’s not it is it?” She whispered.

  “No. I put no thought into it at all after I realized what I needed to know about you. I just needed it. Need it. There are things I need to know about you.” He leaned in closer so his lips brushed hers when he spoke. “Things I can’t sleep without knowing.”

  He looked bewildered.


  “You intrigue me.” He lifted his hand and rubbed the side of his thumb down the side of her face. “I can’t seem to figure you out.” He looked amazed by it. “That isn’t something I am accustomed to. I just want things for you that I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t mind you trying.”

  “Good.” He said as his lips crashed down on hers.

  Candy felt the rush of heat and wanted to cry out. This wasn’t the payback she had wanted earlier. This was private and untapped. She had never felt this much passion for anyone. This desire that threatened to scorch her even as it beckoned her closer. This was dangerous. She could almost hear the sirens in her head warning her to run. It was overwhelming and instant. She needed no build up. He had flipped a switch within her and she didn’t know how to turn it back off. Spec had control and she had to hang on for the ride.

  Spec tore his lips away from her and panted for breath.

  “Fuck.” He swallowed hard and let his eyes scan the area. He tensed for a second and looked down at Candy as she shivered in his arms.

  “I don’t want this here. I want you to come back to my room Candy. Say you will come back to my room with me.” His hands held her close as if he couldn’t bear to let her go.

  Candy had no words. She only nodded. She knew very little about Spec’s sex life, but she knew he never took women back to his room, ever.

  Spec pinched her chin lightly and lifted it. “I’m not a rebound fuck Candy. I don’t want that shit again. I’m not here to put you back together so he can have you back. If that’s all this is to you then you can turn around and find another jackass to fuck you into forgetfulness. I’m not going for that shit again. I’m taking you to bed because I have wanted to for a long time. You have to want me too though, me not him.”

  Candy shook her head. “I don’t want him back.”

  BOOM! Like a thousand pound weight lifted off her shoulders. She was free. She hadn’t even allowed the thought until now. She didn’t want Toothpick anymore. The man she had loved was long gone and the man that was left was nothing but an empty eyed stranger. She had fought with her guilt over the years he had been away. She had found herself loving him less with every day, but wouldn’t allow herself to admit it. Now that she could she felt light. It explained why she felt more anger than hurt at the way he was acting. It explained it all. Maybe Pick had known. Maybe he was letting her go. She wrapped her arms around Spec’s neck and laughed.

  “I don’t want him back!” She sang as loud as she could and let her joyous declaration fill the darkness. She flung her arms wide and leaned back. Spec let out a little laugh and held her so she wouldn’t fall on her head. His hands cradled her hips as they pressed against his. She felt like she could fly.

  “How much have you had to drink tonight Candy?” Spec laughed as he held her.

  She laughed. “About two sips.”

  “Just enough.” His lips met hers again for an instant before she was thrown over his shoulder.

  Her laughter bubbled out of her as he walked to the room that had been built on to the clubhouse. Spec had his own little apartment. The other brothers had suites, but Spec was different. He had an entire room full of surveillance equipment that kept track of who knows what and then he had his little apartment in back. It was nothing fancy, but Candy had noticed Spec’s need for things in order and she suspected it was easier for him to live in a space of his own.

  She bounced on the bed when he deposited her on it with very little grace and she wiggled her eyebrows when he pulled off his shirt.

  “Damn it woman quit grinning at me like you’re about to eat me.”

  “Maybe I will.” She let her smoldering gaze rake his body and he cursed under his breath. Damn he was sexy. He hid it from the world, but he was built. He was different from most of the other brothers. Spec was built like a swimmer. He was all lean muscle instead of bulk, but it looked damned good on him. He had very little ink marking his body other than his club tat and Candy wanted to explore it all, later. At the moment she only wanted to feel his touch.

  “Get out of those damned clothes.” He said impatiently and candy wanted to laugh. She had never wanted to laugh with a man before, not in the bedroom, but Spec didn’t seem bothered by it at all.

  Candy let out a squeal as Spec pulled her shoes off and tossed them away. He frowned and looked behind him at where they had landed. He almost turned and Candy wanted to laugh. She tugged her shirt over her head and his eyes snapped to her breasts.

  He dropped her feet and stepped between her jean-clad thighs.

  “I heard a rumor…” He whispered as his eyes devoured her. “I heard that you showed those beautiful tits to Ace to distract him sometimes when he felt like shit.”

  The mention of Ace sent pain slicing through her heart. He had been dear to her and had only been gone a few weeks, but Spec pulled her back as he knelt and pulled her up so she sat on the edge of his bed. He removed his glasses and placed them on the bedside table before turning back to her.

  “I want to touch them and I want them to be only for me from now on.” He whispered as if to himself just before he pressed his nose into her cleavage and inhaled.

  Candy couldn’t answer him. She just buried her hands in his sandy-colored hair and held on. She had craved a man’s touch for so long. Ace had been old enough to be her father, but if he had ever reached for her she would have melted into him. She was that starved for affection. She didn’t want to be with Spec just because of that though. She wanted him as a man. She felt certain that he could handle her every day for the rest of her life and still have her catching fire in an instant. She hoped it wasn’t just the circumstances talking. She craved something real, something more than a quick fuck. She knew she was probably letting her head get away from her, but she couldn’t help letting herself dream a little.

  Spec was not a man who rushed. He took his time with her, learning her. By the time he pulled her jeans off and tossed them to the floor she was writhing and begging. He looked unaffected if she ignored the heat in his eyes and the bulge in his jeans. He was almost clinical in his exploration of her body as if he didn’t want to miss one thing.

  He reached for the red, lacey panties she wore and looked up into her eyes.

  “Did you buy these for him?”

  Heat crept up into her face as she nodded guiltily. One side of his mouth turned down as he studied the delicate lace. Then with a flick of his wrist they were ripped away from her body.

  “I’ll buy you new ones. I like green.”

  Then he spread her legs wide and knelt by the bed again. He used his finger to run a path from the hollow of her throat to the soft, dark curls at the apex of her sex.

  “I like this better.”

  “What?” She asked breathlessly.

  “Natural. Always be natural with me Candy. You never have to be anything else.”

  Mmm…my hair is dyed…”

  “But it’s that way because you like it, not because some ass wipe said he liked blondes better and it’s your real color with a little something extra.” He blew warm air between her legs. “I’m happy with whatever you are. As long as it makes you happy.”

  She was surprised that he knew that little detail. Pick had preferred her blonde. It wasn’t until she’d been told about his actions, after being released from prison, that she dyed it back to her natural shade.

  “Do you understand me Candy?”

  She nodded and then moaned as she felt his finger take a long swipe at her seam. She knew she was wet and ready for him, but he seemed to get so much enjoyment out of exploring her.

  He spread her sex open and took a deep breath and let a moan slip from his lips.

  “You smell so good Candy. I’m going to eat you until you beg me to stop.”

  “That may take forever.” She moaned.

  “I won’t complain.”

  He pressed his nose to her throbbing clit and she let out a high pitched moan that she couldn’t believe came from her lips. When his tongue laved it next she was gone. She began to buck her hips against his mouth and he hummed his approval. She felt his finger slide into her and then another until her body began to convulse around him.

  “Mmmm so good Candy, so good.”

  He sucked and licked until she came back down and then he forced her up again faster than she thought possible. He pulled three earth-shattering orgasms from her before he stood and pulled her up the bed.

  Candy was almost delirious when she felt him enter her. Her skin was slick with sweat and her ears were buzzing, but the feeling of him sliding into her snapped something deep within her and when she wrapped her arms around him she felt at peace for the first time in her life. What had this man done to her? How had he healed her when he had no way of knowing how broken she was?

  She was so sensitive that her body was in a constant state of orgasm. One release followed another until her body tingled with ecstasy. The pleasure was almost painful and frightened her. It was too much. Too intense.

  “One more Candy, give me one more.”

  His pace quickened until he was slamming against her. The room was filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the slap of skin against skin.

  “I can’t, I can’t.”

  “I said give me one more.” His voice snapped and her body responded as it contracted around his driving cock. She screamed out his name as he pressed into her again and again until he groaned and finished deep within her.

  Candy couldn’t move. She wasn’t sure she would ever be able to move again. Breathing was almost more than she could handle.

  Spec fell on her and she sighed. His weight felt like a blanket of security and she wanted to laugh at the insanity of that thought. This man was dangerous, but her stupid heart couldn’t see it. He would tear her apart if she wasn’t careful and for some reason she didn’t want to stop him.

  She lifted her arms and wrapped them around him. She fought for the strength to lift her head and placed a soft kiss on his temple.

  His breathing was ragged and he shivered as her body continued to milk him with her aftershocks. She drifted off feeling sated and wanted for the first time in too long. She smiled to herself as she sank into oblivion.

  “Holy shit what have I done?”

  His whispered words shattered something deep within her even as she floated into darkness.


  Spec wanted to beat the shit out of someone, himself actually. What the fuck had he been thinking taking Candy to bed? How the fuck had he forgotten a condom. He never forgot anything, ever. That wasn’t what she needed right now and he sure as shit didn’t need it.

  Well, he corrected himself, he had obviously needed the physical release, but he had planned something better for Candy if she ever ditched Pick and he damned sure had wanted to protect her.

  He cursed under his breath as he closed the door to his apartment and locked it. Most things around the clubhouse were open to everyone, bu
t not the surveillance room and Spec was thankful for that, mostly because he lived in the rooms behind it and could keep his own dwelling secure. Nobody had any business in his place. In that one way he was different from his brothers. Most of them had nothing to hide. One room was as good as another and they didn’t care too much if a brother fucked some shank in the bed as long as they didn’t mind sharing the pussy.

  Spec was different. He knew a few of the brothers preferred their own homes, especially after they hooked up with an old lady, but there were still several who kept rooms at the clubhouse even after that. He had heard one brother from Phoenix say that old ladies were for warming the bed and whores were for burning up the sheets at the club. Spec had never found that idea appealing. Sure he liked women. He liked them more than most, but he was careful. He knew some of the brothers watched him to try to figure him out. He didn’t like being vulnerable out in the open and sex always made him let his guard down if only for a few seconds. He usually took a woman to her place or anywhere that offered privacy.

  Candy was different. He trusted her. She had proven more times than he could count that she was trustworthy and he thought nothing of leaving her in his bed while he gathered something for their breakfast. He wanted to talk to her, but he wanted to feed her too. Basic things were very important to Spec, especially making food, not that he had ever gone hungry, but basic things were important and preparing them showed a certain care that mattered.

  He was vigilant as he walked around the building to the rear entrance. He knew if Pick had suspected what had happened between he and Candy then there would be trouble, but he didn’t see the man this morning. He shrugged figuring Pick was probably passed out somewhere with some shank.

  Spec wasn’t afraid of the lanky ex-con, but he was cautious. He knew Pick had weaknesses, but the biggest one had seemed to be Candy. The man had changed over the last few years and Spec would prefer to watch him more before he got into a scrap, but if it came down to it, Spec was confident that he could win. He always won. Spec knew a couple of the brothers could take him if they chose to, Shadow especially, but he had no need to tangle with the man thankfully. Spec wasn’t stupid enough to think himself invincible. He was just flesh and blood, but he knew that arrogance was the biggest weakness a man could have and most men who joined a motorcycle club had it in spades.