Life, Love, and Second Chances Page 6
Adele wanted to comfort him, but she knew her efforts wouldn’t be welcomed. She nodded and closed the door behind her. She heard a loud crash and wondered what had taken the brunt of Bradley’s frustration, but she did not go back to investigate.
A month past and no one mentioned Adele’s refusal for a fire in her rooms or her odd habit of sitting as far away as she could when a fire was lit in any room. She didn’t hear but a few remarks about her refusal to use a kerosene lamp or a candle.
Adele grew accustomed to the way Bradley refused to look at her and the way he was always unfailingly polite. She decided it didn’t matter. Peter was warm and he always welcomed her with a genuine smile of one who cares. That was all she needed.
She’d had two more dreams, but Bradley didn’t come to her. It was always Peter who awakened her and held her until she was calm again. She told herself that it was the way things should be and that it didn’t matter to her, but deep down she wept.
It was now late October and the temperatures were dipping lower at night, but during the day they stayed mild enough to be outside. Adele spent many days in the flower garden along the side of the house. Peter had explained that it had never truly belonged to anyone although Mrs. McCrery and Mrs. Finnagan tended it as much as they could. He encouraged her to do as she pleased with it and she found that she enjoyed it a great deal. It was there that Mrs. McCrery found her.
“What in the world are you doing sitting on the cold ground? Don’t you know it will make you sick? Not to mention dirty your clothes and make it harder for me to get them clean. “She grumbled the last part under her breath, but Adele heard it just the same and it made her voice sharp when she spoke.
“I was enjoying the beautiful afternoon, but I suppose that has come to an end. What exactly did you come to say to me?”
Mrs. McCrery’s eyes narrowed. “I came to inform you that Mr. Davidson has been looking for you.”
“Oh! Is he in his study?” Adele stood and dusted off her skirt in an effort to remove some of the dirt.
“No. He said he would meet you in your rooms.”
Adele stopped. Peter never came to her rooms unless she was afraid. She studied Mrs. McCrery for a moment. “Why would Peter go to my rooms?”
Mrs. McCrery turned to leave. “He seemed angry Mrs. Davidson, angrier than I have seen him in years.” She said as she walked away.
Adele felt her heart fall to her feet. Peter was angry? She remembered the tone of voice he had used when the doctor had arrived that long ago morning and she felt her heart flutter in her chest, what had she done? She all but ran into the house and up the back stairs and was panting by the time she reached her rooms. She flung open her door and stared confused at Bradley who looked at her with fury in his face.
“Well, you do have the look of it.” He accused with a scowl.
Bradley grasped her upper arms as he spoke. “Who is it? Which one of the boys have you decided to work your charms on?”
Adele felt her heart sink as what he was suggesting washed over her. She couldn’t believe it. She tried to speak, but no words would leave her mouth.
“I guess it doesn’t matter, but I will not have you flaunting it in front of Pa and you’d better be damned careful not to get yourself pregnant because I will not stand for that.”
Adele stepped back as if she had been slapped. How could he suggest such a thing? “Are you insane? I have no idea what you are talking about!”
“Don’t play the innocent with me. It is obvious what you’ve been up to. I didn’t believe it at first, but now that I see you after…well it’s obvious.” He looked her up and down as if she disgusted him.
“Who told you this? I demand to know!” Adele felt the color rise in her cheeks as her temper threatened to overtake her control.
“Why so you can belittle her worse than you already do? I don’t think so.” He shook his head. “You had us all fooled into thinking you loved my Pa and that you were this perfect little virgin, you’re nothing but a whore!”
Adele felt the sting of her palm before she knew what she had done. The growing red print on Bradley’s face made her cringe, but he had deserved it. Tears scalded the backs of her eyes, but Adele refused to let them fall. “You can ask Mrs. Finnagan. I was in the flower garden. She spent quite a while with me. I was only alone for a few minutes, not nearly enough for what you are suggesting. I never go out of the house except for there and she usually goes with me. I am not guilty of this.”
He looked utterly unconvinced, but he slammed out of the room and left her. The moment the door closed Adele’s knees gave out and she sank to the floor. She knew who had said those things about her and she now understood the pleased look Mrs. McCrery had given her in the garden. Now she would have to talk it through with Peter and she did not want to do it at all.
Adele dried her eyes and pushed to her feet. She would go now while it was all fresh in her mind. She made her way to Peter’s study.
When she knocked on the door he bid her to enter and offered her a beaming smile until he saw her face streaked with tears and dirt. His face fell and he hurried to pull her into his arms.
“What is it, my dear sweet wife?” He crooned as he rubbed her back with gentle care.
She quickly explained what had taken place and she saw the rage on Peter’s face as it darkened and grew red.
“I will see to this right this moment. Will you go find that harpy and send her to me? I think you should find Bradley as well. We will all sit down and discuss this.” His eyes gentled. “I would understand if you sought out the company of a man that could give you the things that I cannot. I want you to understand that, but if it happens I want you to tell me. I will not be made a fool of by being kept in the dark.”
Adele was horrified. “I understand, but I do not seek comfort in another man’s arms. I love you Peter and I would never dishonor or betray you in that way.”
“I know.” He sighed. “Now go on.”
Adele reluctantly left the study and went in search of Bradley and Mrs. McCrery, not knowing how she would look either of them in the face without screaming.
The meeting was held in the parlor and Peter decided to invite Dan as well as Mrs. Finnagan. Adele sat beside Peter and kept her eyes unfocused on anyone. She was so embarrassed that she knew her face was beet red. Peter patted her hand several times to comfort her, but she just felt wretched. How could Bradley believe such a thing about her? She had hoped he knew her better.
Peter cleared his throat when everyone finally arrived. Mrs. McCrery was the last to enter the room and her look of defiance spoke of her anger as she glared at Adele.
“I would like for everyone to have a seat.” Peter said in a voice that held authority. “It has come to my attention that there is a concern of my wife’s fidelity. I think I have a right, as her husband, to hear these rumors for myself.”
Adele looked up in shock. It sounded as if Peter did not fully believe her after all. She saw the smug look that crossed Mrs. McCrery’s face before her eyes found Peter’s. What she saw in his face made her fears melt like the wax of a candle. He did believe her; he only wanted to weed out the gossip.
Mrs. McCrery cleared her throat. “I don’t like to speak of such things in mixed company, but I have heard a few things.”
“Oh for Christ sake, tell him what you told me!” Bradley demanded as he stared at the maid. “You weren’t too shy to fill me in on the details.”
“Perhaps you should tell me Bradley. You don’t seem shy about what you accuse, so out with it.”
Bradley pushed to his feet and paced to the fireplace, Adele averted her eyes. “Aggy told me that she had seen Adele with one of the cowboys. She said it was an intimate exchange. She thought more was going on so she followed Adele to the barn where she saw her engaged in…well cavorting with the man.”
Adele gasped.
Bradley paused and shot D
an a frown to which Dan raised his brows in surprise.
“She told me that Adele had been with her man this afternoon and when she came to her rooms she was out of breath and flushed and her hair was disheveled. She looked like she had been with a man. When I asked her, she denied it and acted affronted. She said she had been in the garden and that Mrs. Finnagan had been with her most of the time. I was too mad to verify that.”
“Well! This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in all my life!” Mrs. Finnagan stood and placed her hands on her rounded hips. Her face was flushed and her breath was coming fast. “You have it right. I was with her. We usually take a walk during the day too and then she spends most of her time in the kitchen with me. I can’t see how she could have been cavorting with a man when she never steps foot out of the house for more than a few minutes alone. You have never been my favorite person Agitha McCrery, but you have gone too far this time. I took pity on you when all that happened with Frank, but…”
The room grew quiet. Adele looked around and found that everyone had grown suddenly tense.
“What is the matter? Who is Frank?” Adele asked to the room of people who had suddenly turned to stone.
“No.” Bradley said as he stared at his father. “We all have our secrets. I don’t think you want to bring them out now Pa.”
Peter nodded in agreement, but he looked unhappy. “I think you owe Adele an apology. She isn’t the type Bradley. She didn’t do this.”
“How can you be so certain?”
“I trust her.”
“Do you trust her completely? Truly Pa?” Bradley’s voice was quiet and Adele detected an undercurrent.
“There are times when we keep things from those we love in order not to burden them.” Peter said with a catch in his voice.
“Perhaps she believes the same thing.” Bradley shot Adele another withering glance.
“No. It didn’t happen.” Dan spoke now. He seemed offended by what was being suggested. “I am the only one of the hands that spends a great deal of time in the barn and I think we all know that I am not doing what is being implied.”
Adele noticed that Mrs. Finnagan’s face had pinked. She was puzzled, but made no comment.
“Don’t worry Dan, no one believes you would do this.” Peter assured. “Isn’t that right?”
Mrs. McCrery looked shocked. “No of course it wasn’t Dan.”
“Who then? I want the man’s name Aggy.” Peter insisted quietly.
“I don’t know his name… It was that young man with the brown hair that has been around for the last few weeks.”
Dan choked. “Snakes? You think Ms. Adele would consort with Snakes?” He laughed outright. “That boy wouldn’t know what to do with a woman. He was as green as grass.” He lifted his eyes to Bradley. “You believed this?”
“I didn’t know she was talking about Snakes.” Bradley said meekly.
“So what, you thought it was me? The other boys have wives and families. You know those men and they know you. Can you truly say you think one of them would do something like this? Even if Ms. Adele was a woman of the world, which she is not, they wouldn’t indulge her.”
“It’s happened before.” It was only then that Bradley met Adele’s eyes. She saw misery in his stormy eyes. “I am sorry Adele. I was harsh and I did not give you a chance to defend yourself.” He took a deep breath before he stalked from the room.
All eyes went to Agitha McCrery.
“Aggy. You are no longer needed here.” Peter said sternly.
She gasped and started crying. “I have no other place to go. Why are you punishing me for her indiscretion? I know what I saw!”
“Just stop it now Aggy before I decide not to be generous. I will allow you to pack your things. I will give you a month’s pay so you will have enough to get by until you can find another position. I will have one of the boys take you into town when you are ready.”
Mrs. McCrery sat unmoving. No one spoke until she stood to leave.
“Dan, would you go and make sure she doesn’t take anything that shouldn’t go? You too Edna.”
“Yes sir.” Mrs. Finnagan said as she stood. Dan followed behind her.
Peter waited until the room was empty before he turned to Adele. “I am sorry Adele. Aggy has been through a lot, but that is no excuse. I don’t know why she did this, but I want you to know that I never believed it for a minute. Bradley has his reasons for not trusting women. It doesn’t excuse him, but it is a reason.”
“I understand. Thank you for believing in me Peter, it means the world to me.”
“I will not stand for you being mistreated. You are a Davidson. This is your home and we are your family. No matter what happens this is your home.”
He understood. Peter had a way of understanding her. How did he know exactly what she needed to hear? “I love you Peter.” She whispered softly.
“I love you too, my dear, more than I ever dreamed I would.” He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “Will you be alright now?”
“I think so. I will try to take up the slack. I can wash clothes and clean house.”
“Oh Adele, I will find someone to take her place. I will not have you working yourself to death here. You can do what you want, but I do not want you to overexert.”
“Alright Peter.”
“Dinner is ready.” Mrs. Finnagan spoke from the door. “That woman is on her way to town. Skinny said he didn’t mind driving her in. He said he’d stay the night since it will be dark before he could get back.” She raised her eyebrows as if she was skeptical.
Adele knew she was probably hysterical, but the laughter that bubbled up in her throat escaped in a loud giggle. Peter stood and offered his hand. Adele allowed him to pull her feet and lead her to the Kitchen.
“No use in pretending to be all proper. We can all eat in here tonight.” Mrs. Finnagan intoned. “Mr. Brad went out to the barn and I don’t expect to see him again and frankly Ms. Adele you look like hell.”
Adele laughed again and looked at her clothes. She was still wearing her dirt stained skirt. She didn’t want to think about how her face and hair looked. She smiled at the older woman knowing she had been trying to lift Adele’s spirits. It had worked.
They served themselves and sat to enjoy the stew Mrs. Finnagan had made. Bradley didn’t make an appearance and Adele was secretly glad.
Adele did not see Bradley for over a week. He seemed to be making sure he avoided her no matter what he had to do. She was beginning to have mixed feelings about that. She had enjoyed his company when he had been friendly. She thought about when he been so kind when her hands had been rubbed by the rope. She missed his easy company, but when he was treating her poorly she was glad he was absent.
Adele was making good on her promise. She had taken care of washing the laundry and changing all of the beds, except for Bradley’s. Mrs. Finnagan told her that he had specifically told her not to let Adele in his room or touching his clothes. It had hurt her feelings, but she didn’t mind less work. Mrs. Finnagan had groused about Adele working so hard, but she couldn’t do everything so she accepted the help. Adele had scrubbed the floors and beat the rugs. She was tired, but she found that she slept well and the dreams didn’t come.
Peter had been especially attentive to her and she found herself growing closer to him. Hers were not romantic feelings and she knew his were not either, but they had an easy friendship that she treasured. He’d taken her into town and they had shared dinner at the hotel again. She was finding that life with Peter was very enjoyable. He wasn’t the man she had first thought him to be. He was fun and outgoing. He wasn’t too busy to pay attention to her or make sure she was happy.
The weather turned sour that night and the power of the storm frightened Adele. It was November now and the temperature had dropped further. The rain lashed against the windows and the lightning lit up the sky as the thunder rattled the glass in the windows until Adele thought
they would shatter. She huddled in the parlor and waited.
Peter and the men were out in the weather trying to get the cattle to higher ground. They feared the rain would cause a flash flood and half the herd was in a low pasture.
Adele worried that they would be injured. She prayed and wrung her hands until they hurt. She paced until she had blisters on her feet. She couldn’t shake the strange sense of foreboding that settled on her. She sat in darkness of the parlor and peered out the window. She fell into a deep sleep and the dream took her…
It was dark. The sound of rain filled her mind. She looked around, but she wasn’t in her childhood home or even in the strange room with the high window. She was in the barn. She felt the warm hay beneath her and then she realized she wasn’t alone. She felt warm hands on her body. She knew she should struggle, but the sensation was sublime. She wanted to push him away and pull him closer at the same time. Then the smell reached her nostrils and the fear crashed down on her.
She fought and struggled, but the faceless man wouldn’t let her go. He held her and kissed her, ignoring her pleas. She begged him to listen to her, to believe her, but he laughed and continued his lusty conquest. The smell of smoke was stronger now and she could hear the screams from the horses and they began to understand the danger. The heat became unbearable and Adele began to fight in earnest. The man resisted her efforts. He wouldn’t listen to her, why wouldn’t he listen? She began to scream as the flames reached out bony fingers to grasp her in its burning grip. Adele struggled, but between the heat of the fire and the flames of desire that still scorched her she was powerless to escape. She sobbed in utter defeat and resigned herself to die in this maelstrom of heat and pain. She gasped for breath and her sobs shook her body even as hands grasped her shoulders.
“Adele!” A voice called to her from the inferno. “Adele! Wake up! Honey, please wake up. You’re killing me.”
Adele startled awake and found Bradley holding her. “The fire!” She gasped still lost in the dream. “Listen to me! We have to get out of here!” She began pushing at his chest and trying to force him to leave the room.